Welcome to AFYM – Abertawe Festival for Young Musicians
Welcome to AFYM

Abertawe Festival for Young Musicians

Welcome to AFYM 2025! We are thrilled to be returning to Swansea's Guildhall next year, and are now looking for musicians of all ages and abilities to perform with us in February.

Find a Class

AFYM 2025 Schedule

View timings for all classes during the 2025 festival weekend.

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Info for Performers

Everything you need to know for anyone performing in any of our classes.

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MAD Slip

You'll need a Music Administration Document (MAD) slip for each performance you're playing in.

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We want to see you shine on stage, gain confidence in front of an audience, and master the art of performance.

The Abertawe Festival for Young Musicians is your chance to showcase your skills and nurture your musical talents. It's not just about the notes you play; it's about connecting with the crowd, feeling the applause, and staying cool under pressure.

Treble Cleff

Browse Classes For 2025

Discover one of the many classes we offer Young & Adult Musicians, with both competitive and non-competitive performance opportunities for players of all abilities from Grades 1 to 8.

Piano Performances

Browse Classes
Piano Performances

String Performances

Browse Classes
String Performances

Wind & Brass Performances

Browse Classes
Wind and Brass Performances

What is AFYM?

The Abertawe Festival for Young Musicians – or, AFYM for short – was founded in 1993, to improve and widen music education for all children across Swansea and South Wales, providing support and performance opportunities for these ever growing musicians.

The festival provides a broad range of music performances, or “classes” for young musicians of all standards.

Whether you're a seasoned pro preparing for a big show or a beginner looking to build your confidence, the festival is a perfect opportunity to showcase your skills in front of an engaged and supportive audience.

Learn more about the Festival

A "Young Musician" Does NOT ONLY Mean a "Young Person"

AFYM is open to performers of all ages and abilities, with a broad range of classes for both children and adults.

Perform With Us At AFYM 2025!

We would love to have you with us when the festival returns to Swansea in February.

Pam Wedgwood

"I feel incredibly fortunate to be involved with AFYM and I am so proud to be their president. The enthusiasm and talent that the students bring to the festival is quite unique."

Pam Wedgwood Musician, Composer, Teacher & President of Abertawe Festival for Young Musicians
Nikki Rathkey

"I strongly believe attending AFYM helped mould Lucy into the talented musician she is today, going on to study music at Oxford University."

Nikki Rathkey Parent of Former AFYM Performer
Imogen Edwards

"Growing up with the AFYM to guide me along my journey has really shaped me, not only as a pianist but as an individual, whilst developing my confidence and love of music."

Imogen Edwards Former AFYM performer, curent student at Royal College of Music, London